There’s a method for…
telling our story.
Conference. It’s a funny word in the Free Methodist Church. Most of the time we use it as a noun, either to describe a group of churches (the Southern California conference) or a specific meeting (Annual Conference). But we also use it as a verb: to conference. It’s how we plan for how to do God’s work in the coming months and years and it’s also how we share in the blessings and challenges of ministry. Conferencing is how we tell our story.
2020 has been a year of reminders to tell our story. It’s reminded us that we need to celebrate our commitment to making disciples of Christ, even in the midst of a global pandemic. It’s reminded us to lament racism in our collective past and present. We’ve been reminded of the amazing ministries of those who have passed on to be with Christ and to encourage those who are taking the next step in their ministry journey.
This year has also reminded us that we must be prepared for the story that we are about to write. We need to provide new ways for people to be involved in the Methodist movement. We need to have a voice in our communities so we can speak with authority when we see injustice. We need to be better prepared for challenges when they come.
In this year of social distancing, conference with us. Celebrate each other’s stories. Share your story, both the one you’ve already written, and the one you hope to write. And always remember, it’s good to belong to God’s story.
Light & Life Isla Vista – Not Staying the Same
At Light & Life Isla Vista, we are not trying to maintain the status quo, but strive to frame the pandemic and other upheavals of 2020 as divine opportunities.
Ministry in the Time of COVID-19 – Emmanuel Free Methodist Church
Reverend Gerardo Ortiz, pastor at Emmanuel Free Methodist Church, and Joe Mendoza, president of Ministry of Jerusalem, share how God prepared them to meet the needs of their community and beyond during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hermon Church Español
Desde el comienzo de la pandemia Hermon Church Español comenzó asumir el reto de continuar siendo iglesia pero ahora de manera virtual.

Free Methodists are a diverse group of believers, hailing from all walks of life. Our leadership across the Southern California conference mirrors that diversity through a commitment to an equal mix of clergy and lay leaders (non-clergy), the empowerment of traditionally underrepresented people, and the engagement of communities across the broad socioeconomic spectrum that makes up Southern California.

Being part of the Methodist movement is more than just having a church home – it’s being part of a group of believers who know that God is moving in the world and who want to be part of what God is doing. Join us in welcoming new ministerial members, hearing from members you might not have seen in a while, and remembering those who have passed on to be with Christ.

Ministry Partners
Free Methodists are living out the call to love God, love people, and make disciples by engaging with their communities both at home and around the world. Find out how you can join in the call by getting involved with one of these incredible ministries.